Wednesday, May 30, 2007


All set in motion now.
The Last Lap.
And it all boils down to Monday and the papers.
I is very Excite!

Things to look forward to:
1. Catching up with friends and having a life
2. Joshua's Return
3. The Cremaster Pentalogy
4. Chiang Mai
5. Holidaying with Dezzo and wearing furry coats

Thy will be done.


Anonymous said...

Reads like a lot of fun :) Press on, Jo.

sideshowjo said...

Pressing on :)

Marshmallow Toasties said...

Good luck for the papers!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say good luck but Monday's over... its Tuesday!! Argh... How did you go on the paper?

sideshowjo said...

MM Toasties: Thank you! :)

Chris: Papers are on Thurs and coming Mon. I'll tell you more about the monday that just passed :p When you submitting your application to UQ?

Anonymous said...

Applications aren't till the end of Sept. But I reckon I should double check on that...