Friday, March 16, 2007

Food, the enemy

I used to think the reason why I ate so much is because I LOVE food. Then I see women on Oprah and they go on and on about the reason as to why they are so big is because they are emotional eaters. I used to think that was a load of psychobabel bollocks.

Until today.

Was feeling rather down the past two days and over the 2 days, I downed 2 cans of coke, 6 pineapple tarts, 10 peanut tarts, 3 cubes of milk chocolate and just now, 1 cup of mash potato and a packet of 'Hello Panda'. Although I do occasionally snack during the day, I always make sure I restrict the sugar intake, because Jo and sugar yields an exponential weight reaction. This is rather atypical behaviour and it is a ravenous craving I cannot explain! It seems that I am actually an emotional eater, just that I am not aware of it, and my poison when it happens, unfortunately, is sugar. This is not good! I've got to get my spirits up.

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