Saturday, March 24, 2007

All Heart

All I can say is, after today's disaster, I am not as quick, and sharp, and as intelligent as the rest who sat for the exam. But screw it. I cannot/will not wallow. I will just learn from this, take note of where I failed, and pick up the pieces. It ain't over till a worthy battle has been fought.

In any case, it really made my day, when I found a kindered spirit in the form of an ex-VJC triple science + maths, double S paper, local U medical school worthy but rejected at interview, turned down twice on appeal and ended up at (in her own words) local U med school reject dumping ground, Pharmacy. It all stared when a small voice piped:

"Excuse me, do you have an extra calculator?"
"No I'm sorry, I don't. But don't worry, the 3 hour paper is after lunch, so perhaps one of the staff can help you get hold of a calculator. I mean there are offices below"
"Oh yes. Thanks! You know, I'm usually the kind that brings 2 calculators to an exam. I don't know what happened."

We spent lunch sharing stories and views, and I got so tickled when we shared an absolute NERD moment.

M: "20 minutes to go." Looks at coffee. "Oh no! I shouldn't have drank that!"
J: Grins. "Diuretic! That's why I had my tea the minute I started lunch. That should be about right I think"
M: "Now I'm going to have to go to the loo in the middle of the paper!"
J: "Travesty!"

We chatted about the most common drugs dispensed at the hospital pharmacies and I found myself geeking comfortably in front of her, it was all so refreshing. Ah. I love science nerds. And you know what? I'm really looking forward to finally starting my assignments tomorrow after the madness of entrance exam phase I. What a way to spend a Sunday :)

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