Tuesday, February 27, 2007

This is our Land

I am very happy with the direction that the Singapore government is taking in terms of education, as Singapore gears up for a population of 6 million and beyond. I was very impressed with their decision to start up a small culinary school to train up chefs as the majority of our talented ones are being shanghaied overseas with better career advancement and pay prospects. Yes I suppose one could argue that this is purely a consequence of the lack of a well rounded, all encompassing education system, one that purely focused on academia and the honing of specific occupations (like the oversaturation of engineers in the market now). Yes we may have been that way for many many years, but I am glad that they are doing something about it. Better late than never.

What I would give to be a child of the 21st century, with the assortment of various courses available, the 2 big local design outfits, the 3 major universities, the plethora of distance learning institutions and renowned offshore universities like UNSW and DUKE setting up shop on our tiny island. This is truly becoming a land of opportunities, and I used to think that one could not make it big in Singapore simply by working hard. I am begining to see that that may no longer be the case. With programmes to help people upgrade their skills, and opportunities to return to school if you so choose to, our options are limitless.

Let us stop winging about the lack of opportunities and how life is difficult on our island and fully exploit the choices that have been laid before us. Never take no for an answer, never look back with regret and excel to your fullest potential. Because honestly, this is the one shot we have at living (well, that's if you don't believe in reincarnation, if not one could pray to lead the perfect life as a cat in the next life) the one shot at leaving your mark, at changing the world/people around you. If you are like me and are in your late twenties, we have another good 30 odd years to work, live and learn. Think about it. Would you want to lie on your death bed and say... I was mediocre?


Desmond said...

I AM NOT MEDIOCRE....only lazy sometimes.

sideshowjo said...

Aren't we all. I think I'll pass Max a hot poker.