Saturday, March 08, 2008

Wishing and Wondering

1. I saw a young lady carry a Anya Hindmarch 'I am not a plastic bag' grocery tote in the supermarket near my home today. I was excited and happy to see an environmentally conscious Singaporean amisdt the flurry of plastic bagging that is a constant sight at the end of almost every checkout line in our local supermarkets. But then! She took her wallet out of her 'I am not a plastic bag' tote and I saw that in actual fact, whe was paying for her stuff which was contained in 5 plastic bags, double bagged no less, and it seems, the tote was just something trendy for her to carry her personal effects in. I'm sorry, but that just goes against everything the tote stands for does it not? This is just as bad as someone flashing their headlights and honking their horn impatiently while displaying a 'I'm a Christian! Are you?' bumper sticker.

2. The Oxford Bodleain library is now open to public. OMFG.

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