Tuesday, August 14, 2007

At the end of the day...

...what do you look forward to coming home to?

A loved one
A pet
Alone time
A phone conversation
A home cooked meal
The internet
A new novel
A hot shower
Computer games
Online shopping

Ending the day on a good note is integral to starting the next on a good one.
But if it doesn't, we still plod on.
Resilient fighters aren't we.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there woman... starting at a new job is always hard. Hell it took me a year to actually feel comfortable at my job and with my collegues. Even now, I still can't say I like my collegues very much, let alone the work I do. But it pays me bills and the rent... so let us all hang in there and perserve through this.

I really can't wait till I can jump on that plane andd whizz back to Singapore... I so need a break. From work, from exams, from this bloody cold weather and not to mention from all the Uni applications!! Its a nightmare.