Monday, April 02, 2007


1) We recently caught The Phantom of the Opera and I must say more and more Singaporeans are actually dressing appropriately for the theatre! There were of course those that wore jeans! sandles! bermudas! but all in all we are definately improving. I wonder if it would help if sistic actually puts down a dress code on the tickets. I will always remember attending a Russian Opera at the Sydney Opera House with my German housemate and he made it a point to put on a suit even though he was a poor student. The caucasian man who sat next to me at the Phantom wore a suit as well. It isn't even about dressing with style or donning expensive outfits, it is simply dressing for the occassion. I hope things will keep on improving now that the residents of Singapore are becoming even more international.

2) I had to watch through an old episode of blogtv at work featuring food bloggers, where they invited KF Seetoh onto the show. He is loud and crass but I do admire his honesty. He was saying how food bloggers these days seem to constitute the yuppie crowd and are people that choose to use fancy phrases like "Oh it was SUBLIME" to describe their food, which makes it seems somewhat pretentious and "Chi Chi". He also made a very good point about blogs becoming too commercialized, which struck a cord with me.

I used to visit this rather popular food blogger's website very frequently because the writing is good, pictures are gorgeous and the site often features hole in the wall eating places. However, of late, the site has become cluttered with ads, even tagging words in the body of the post itself. As innovative and lucrative as it is, it has really put me off visiting the site these days. I suppose it is because I am beginning to find the food reviews suspect and one wonders if it is actually a genuine post or one that is plugging the place in return for protfit. So has the original goal of setting up the blog been corrupted along the way? I suppose one can argue that there's nothing wrong with turning one's interest and passion into a money generating platform right? Interesting. Don't you just love the digital age :p

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