Thursday, March 29, 2007

I remember Pam saying that livejournal gives you more control over the privacy of your blog. It's great because you can make certain posts public and opt not to for private ones. But then again, I may not want everyone on my friends list to read certain posts either. Hmm. So what happens? I've gotten so used to typing out thoughts that I think going back to traditional journal writing by hand might take a long while to get used to. What's more, I love the flexibility and ease of uploading pictures to go along with an online entry. I suppose unless one buys a domain only then can one password protect certain entries? Well for now, I may move a 3rd and maybe final time, I'm not sure, because, ya know, sometimes it's nice to post nude pictures just for your friends :)



Iconoclastic said...

Oh, Wordpress allows you to password protect entries, which means you have the liberty of choosing your readership.

sideshowjo said...

Ah yes thats right! But for some reason wordpress blogs take ages to load (perhaps it's just my connection), and I think that put me off reading anything hosted by them.

sideshowjo said...

I'm fickle :p Great! I'm leaning towards that at this point. Anyway will be confirming my tickets for the trip up this month :) Will discuss more soon