They were modeled loosely in the image of Nikolai Jrs which I keep in front of my monitor.

Since then, a series of mysterious events have occured, involving the escape of one from the Brood. The events are as follows:
Monday the 28th of January 2008, between the hours of 0900 and 1500: Sergio escapes.
Wednesday the 30th of January 2008, sometime in the mid afternoon: Sergio sets up a facebook account and adds me. I follow the link on his profile which brings me to his BLOG. Sergio is surprisingly prolific as he chronicals his apparent time warp into 2008.
Sergio has taken on a Spanish last name, Goytisolo, and seems to be a descendent from the aristocratic line of Juan Goytisolo, the Spanish poet and novelist. He must be travelling with someone as I cannot fathom how he is capable of communicating with the human folk, requesting for his picture to be taken with a pin hole camera fashioned from garden tools.

Where is Sergio?
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