Turning 28 happened without too much drama, perfect, as it is in line with my mantra of the year…Simplicity.
Birthdays hold less of a materialistic significance as I get older. There is no longer a necessity for fancy presents, cakes, candles and meals, no longer a need to be the centre of attention (Incidentally, a mantra for last year…”It’s not always about you Jo!” a mantra which I see the need to carry forward again into 2008). Having said that, I am truly grateful and awed by the actions and gestures of people that went out of their way to make the day so very special.
The colleagues who stayed up till past midnight on two consecutive days to model a little Nordic gnome army from clay and acrylic
The kidney bean girls for the wonderful night out, old skool ice cream cake and presents.
The gang for trudging down after individual long days at work/MBA class/course for a mini surprise of sorts
Sister Una and the team for the song and present
My family for the present and healthy birthday dinner treat (by mother’s decree)
The well wishes of the electronic variety from friends and family
And lastly, the Lump who fashioned a wonderful lazy birthday from last minute scrambling and scheming, done with so much thought and heart and somewhat adhering to my strict rules of Go Cheap!
For each and everyone of you and your actions, I thank you. If there's one thing I've learnt, invest in good human relationships. You may get screwed over, but you will pick yourself up again. No man is an island, communication and human interactions are vital for our growth and development as people.
27 was the year of decisions, 28 will be the year of change.
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