The one priceless thing has resulted from joining facebook (apart from getting to build my own zombie army), is having the opportunity to get in touch with some of the St. Leonard's Alumni. Girls with whom I attended boarding school with, an old palace with narrow corridors, a chapel and a lake, a place where we were schooled in the finer points of poise, manners, drugs, alcohol and the british accent. The 2 years where I found freedom from the shackles of the Singaporean education system and the shackles of growing up in a protective asian home. I remember the bright eyed wonder when I went for my very first Medical School interview at King's College, how I snuck into the medical library and relished the smell of old books as I stood in awe of the magnificence of the place. 10 years on, I still remember that very day.
(Some pictures from the facebook alumni group)
Prize Day 1999: Where I got my name put on the brass music cup for being deputy head of music. It was by default really, because only 2 of us were pursuing a performer's cert in piano. Obviously I never finished it, hence DEPUTY head. The only achievement I had to show for extracurricular activity in my 2 years there.

Sister Jean our headmistress

Photo from a reunion a year ago. Mr Bennet (2nd from left), came to teach at St. Leonard's when we were nearing the end of lower 6th. I think he taught lit. He used to be hot. I do not know what happened.

I have always wondered what it would have been like had I chose to stay on in England to pursue a tertiary education.
I am sure I would have turned out differently.
I wonder, how different.
Where are you in the first photo? Third from the left, front row?
Everything happens for a reason. Things can only get better, babe =)
I attended a wedding in Dec 06 where most of the guests were from Imperial, King's, LSE and Cambridge - extremely intelligent and intimidating in the same vein. I, too, wondered how different my perspectives would be and how differently I would perceive success if I had stayed behind. But I think a Brit education and being away from home can only take you so far. You will be inherently you, whether you love scones or charsiew pau.
Badger: Wah you is good! Yes indeed! :) Heh. Yes, let's hope that'e a silver lining somewhere...anywhere. See you in 3 weeks!
Ndr: I think one will inherently have certain personality traits, but circumstances, enviroment and most importantly, people shape who we become, our views, our being. Heh. I wonder what 5 years in a snooty school would have done to my soul, seriously. Yah if that were the case, right now you'd be one of those nasty back stabbing super PR creatives who have nary an once of integrity! Kidding :p
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