Friday, July 06, 2007


For comic fans, Sonny Liew's Re-Gifters is out! I can't say that I know very much about comics, my knowlege of which only stretches as far as Archie and some random Slam Dunk issues when I was in Secondary School, but when Sonny first passed me the 2nd Issue from his Malinky Robot series, I was completely blown away by his illustrations! Minx titles is a new release by DC Comics and Re-Gifters is one of the first titles to be released under Minx, so I reckon it must be a rather big deal. I wouldn't know cause the boy is always so self deprecating and unassuming, most times down playing all his achievements. When I was reading the artist profiles, I was told that being nominated for a Eisner Award is a huge thing in the comic world, it is akin to getting nominated for an Academy award.

The boy's got talent.

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