Friday, May 18, 2007

Workings of the Universe

So I've been filled with apprehension and indecisiveness regarding sending in my application before the 31st of May. It's inexplicable really, and I was looking for reassurance from someone, anyone.

Then, I messaged Pam. Because I had a dream about her. Nothing eleborate, just simple sms exchanges, and then I realised that I will not alone because I have her. And I was comforted.

Then, I went to the doctor today to get the blood work sorted. For some strange reason, the doctor I always see was not around today. So his wife took over and we had a nice chat. A simple chat. And she told me that her cousin recently commenced study the very same place. And I was comforted.

There are somethings you just don't ignore.
Thank you, for guiding me.


Unknown said...

If you ask me, as long as it does not involve committing in monetary terms, just whack and send in first.

sideshowjo said...

Alas, its USD600. No small sum. Applications are an evil money making scheme. But have made a decision and all will be sent out next week :)