In my mother's household, anyone who bakes using butter and sugar should be banished to a land full of organic vegetables, made to wear a furry rabbit suit with inward pointing spikes, starved, whipped into shape with celery sticks, with promises to renounce sugar. it is under these circumstances that I do not get to bake very often, and have to do a ninja and bake under the cover of night or when Lucy has left the building.
Anyway, the process of baking is what fascinates me, not so much the end product. I think it is a residual effect of childhood playdoh joy, effects of which I am trying to regain again for some odd reason. For kitchenaid round 5, I wanted to make some cookies, because there is nothing more comforting than the knowledge that you have a towering cookie jar full of cookies somewhere in your cupboard. I used the recipe named a very promising: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies from Heaven.

These turned out pleasant and its rich buttery flavour will fix any rabid peanut butter craving. I realised that in order to appreciate the true flavour of a biscuit, it is imperative to let it cool completely before eating, rather than tasting them in less then their full glory and scalding your tongue in the process. All in all, they were fun to make and the standing mixer really makes the process of beating and mixing effortless. Thank you pistachio!
Jo. Your cookies look scrumptious. It made me decide that I wanted a Kitchenaid too. I was so convinced I was going to get one that I even googled the shops that carried the stock. Then I ventured onto ebay and ALAS!! Found out that they cost a mint!! :0( My dreams have been shattered. No more Peanut Butter Cookies from Heaven for me.
Heh. Dezzo would be really pleased to hear that! He bought it for my birthday this year. The price is ludicrous, but it really makes mixing, whisking and kneeding such a breeze! There are probably cheaper ones on the market, but there's just something so asthetically pleasing about a kitchen aid. The curves! the colour!
yes.. yes... go on, make me jealous. :0(
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