I got inspired by Jen's beautifully frosted cupcakes to do something for kitchenaid round 4. I love looking at creatively frosted creations but can never bring myself to slather on arterial plaque causing agents onto things I make at home. I suppose the rational is, if I'm making it at home, then I'm going to use the best ingredients for nutritional food that doesn't compromise on taste. Simply because I eat so much junk when I'm out and junk actually contributes 50% of my weekly calorie intake. So when I'm at home, it's healthy healthy healthy. However, I find it hard to resist making Nutella self-frosting cupcakes that was all the rage on food websites about a year or two ago.
I have to rework the basic fairy cake base as I am not happy with the texture, hence no recipe. It should be light and fluffy, mine turned out denser than usual today. I'm not sure if it was because I overworked the batter or substituted a third of the plain flour with wholemeal flour. It's all about basics. Always important to master the basic traditional fairy cupcake before one delves into more creative variations to avoid situations like these. I guess I'm impatient like that :)

I put in an extra dollop in the middle along with 4 toasted hazelnuts before adding more batter and swirled nutella for that added decadence!
I read that if you're using wholemeal flour in your recipe, the batter should look a tad wetter than usual as wholemeal flour absorbs more moisture. Hope that helps. The cupcakes still look great anyway!
hi jo, thanks for droppin by my blog - will be checking urs out!!!!
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