I treasure and hold on dearly to the times when I can sit and be alone, comfortably.
Somedays I envision a perfect sideshowjo world when I can go about my daily affairs devoid of having to make small talk and needing to speak out of necessity, and in that moment, reclusive and introverted 11 year old Jo comes back for a visit.
Favourite hermit activities include:
1) Packing room, doors locked, campy music galore
2) Sifting through cookbooks scribbling big dreams on notebook
3) Reading in bed, on bus (Motion sickness can be battled!), in cafe, on beach, on plane
4) Daydreaming grand plans for craft
5) Changing Emily's eye colour and putting her out in the sun
6) Rearranging gnomes Nikolai, Wilfred and Peadus on their patch
7) Listening to the whirrrrrr of Rex the sewing machine
8) Lying on bed contemplating the meaning of life, of anything, preferably with Sigur Ros please
9) Quiet weekday meals alone with book
10) Piano, when no one is at home (A rarity)
However, top top top on my list has got to be being plugged in on a fairly long bus ride to night class, listening to stellar tracks. Everything I see takes on a personality, I start to notice the shape of trees, buildings, faces of construction workers, sunlight, shadows, fingers, dirt. Awesome is when I get glimpses of tips of horses' ears when the bus passes the polo club and I'm sitting on the right side, at just the right height. I love it because for that moment I'm completely lost, and the bubble is all mine, and in that instant, emotions and imagination are at their wildest.
"Say Goodbye to the world you thought you lived in" -Mika